Willie Velasquez Your Vote Is Your Voice Review


Tens of millions of service men and women, activists, volunteers, and other heroes have fought, suffered, and given their lives for the states to have the right to vote in a free and fair democracy.

By no means exercise we have a perfect commonwealth (no government does), and some may even fence that nosotros don't fifty-fifty have a good one, simply the But way to incrementally go closer to an expansive, well-functioning democracy is through mass numbers of proficient citizens exercising their correct to vote.

The culling – apathy, sitting on the sidelines, intolerance of imperfection, and low voter turnout – will lead to the opposite happening – an erosion or total absence of republic.


This is particularly important for the Gen Z and millennial generations. Historically, younger generations turn out to vote at a fraction of the rates of older generations. Consequently, they are a lesser focus for our elected officials. If our generations don't turn out to vote, we don't set the agenda, nosotros defer, surrender, and hand over our future to a voting demographic that won't take to alive with the consequences of their vote for nearly equally long every bit we will. Civic engagement is a necessary responsibility and a duty of adulthood. If you lot desire to be listened to, you have to collectively make noise.

Information technology may sound platitude, just this is the most of import ballot of our lifetimes. Decency, voter health, the economic system, rights, transparency, accountability, and even democracy itself are all on the election. Your country needs y'all.

I won't make whatever endorsements and tell you lot what individuals or parties to vote for, merely I will ask that yous consider the post-obit characteristics and credentials, up and down the entire election, for the best outcome…

Vote for:

  • Those who want to work hard on your behalf and believe they can make a difference.
  • Those who at least attempt to lead with compassion, ethics, transparency, accountability, selflessness, reason, honesty, and unity.
  • Those who want to discover solutions to the challenges at paw and move their city, county, district state, country forward.
  • Those who want to expand rights and democracy, and serve as many constituents as they can.

DO NOT Vote for:

  • Those who do not believe their role has any value in improving lives or making things amend.
  • Those who lead with distraction, secrecy, sectionalisation, fright, lies, and hate – for the advancement of self – at the expense of the commonage.
  • Those who plow their backs on solving problems with distractions and divisive rhetoric.
  • Those who want to limit rights and democracy, and serve equally few constituents as they can.

Brand a Programme to Vote

With COVID, this is a weird ballot, but don't let that deter you from voting. It's besides late to vote past post at this indicate, but it's not too late to vote. Here's a full general program of action:

If you accept not yet registered to vote yet: y'all can annals to vote as late as Ballot Day in the post-obit states: AK, CA, CO, CT, How-do-you-do, ID, IL, IA, ME, Doc, MI, MN, MT, NV, NH, RI, UT, VT, WA, WI, WY + Washington, DC.

If y'all requested an absentee election: drop it off to your local clerk or an official drop box ASAP (and before polls close on Tuesday). Make sure you read and follow all of the instructions on the ballot/envelope.

If you did non request an absentee ballot: find an early voting location (Monday) or polling location (Tuesday) to vote in person.

Know what's on your election: enter your location here to run across what'due south on your ballot and candidate responses to questions.

To observe voting locations, registration, rules, and more voter info, by location: bank check out this site.

Know your rights, and voter ID requirements in your state:

  1. If y'all run into problems at your polling location, don't walk away. Stay in line (even if the polls close). Say: "Please give me a provisional ballot, with receipt, as required by law."
  2. If you feel intimidation or encounter other problems, call the national election protection hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) or look upward local and state official numbers here.

This Tuesday, you can assist set the agenda. Text or phone call your friends and family members to do the same, and allow'due south become it done. Every single vote matters.


Source: https://20somethingfinance.com/vote/

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