After Caesar is killed, what appears to be the affect on Rome?

44 BCE assassination of the Roman dictator

Assassination of Julius Caesar
Man in brown and red being stabbed by men in white

The Assassination of Julius Caesar by William Holmes Sullivan, c. 1888, Royal Shakespeare Theatre

Location Curia of Pompey of the Theatre of Pompey, Rome
Coordinates 41°53′43″North 12°28′37″E  /  41.89528°N 12.47694°E  / 41.89528; 12.47694 Coordinates: 41°53′43″N 12°28′37″E  /  41.89528°Northward 12.47694°E  / 41.89528; 12.47694
Date 15 March 44 BC (44 BC-03-15)
Target Julius Caesar

Attack type

Perpetrators 60 or more Roman senators
Ringleaders Marcus Brutus
Gaius Cassius Longinus
Decimus Brutus Albinus
Gaius Trebonius

Julius Caesar, the Roman dictator, was assassinated past a group of senators on the Ides of March (15 March) of 44 BC during a meeting of the Senate at the Curia of Pompey of the Theatre of Pompey in Rome. The senators stabbed Caesar 23 times. They claimed to be acting over fears that Caesar's unprecedented concentration of ability during his dictatorship was undermining the Roman Commonwealth, and presented the deed as an act of tyrannicide. At least sixty senators were party to the conspiracy, led by Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus. Despite the death of Caesar, the conspirators were unable to restore the institutions of the Republic. The ramifications of the assassination led to the Liberators' ceremonious state of war and ultimately to the Principate flow of the Roman Empire.

Causes [edit]

The Ides of March money, a Denarius portraying Brutus (obverse), minted in 43–42 BC. The reverse shows a pileus between two daggers, with the legend EID MAR (Eidibus Martiis – on the Ides of March), commemorating the assassination.[ane]

Caesar had served the Commonwealth for eight years in the Gallic Wars, fully conquering the region of Gaul (roughly equivalent to mod-24-hour interval French republic). After the Roman Senate demanded Caesar to disband his army and return home every bit a civilian, he refused, crossing the Rubicon with his army and plunging Rome into Caesar's Civil War in 49 BC. After defeating the last of the opposition, Caesar was appointed dictator perpetuo ("dictator in perpetuity") in early 44 BC.[2] Roman historian Titus Livius describes three incidents that occurred from 45 to 44 BC as the last causes of Caesar's assassination – the "three last straws" as far as some Romans were concerned.[3]

The outset incident took place in Dec 45 BC or peradventure early 44 BC.[three] According to Roman historian Cassius Dio, after the Senate had voted to bestow a large grouping of honours upon Caesar, they decided to present them to him formally, and marched equally a senatorial delegation to the Temple of Venus Genetrix.[4] When they arrived, etiquette called for Caesar to stand upwards to greet the senators, only he did not rise. He besides joked nigh their news, saying that his honours needed to exist cut back instead of increased.[5] Roman historian Suetonius wrote (almost 150 years later) that Caesar failed to rise in the temple, either because he was restrained by the consul Lucius Cornelius Balbus or that he aghast at the suggestion he should rise.[6] Regardless of the reasoning, by practically rejecting a senatorial gift and not acknowledging the delegation'due south presence with proper etiquette, Caesar gave the potent impression that he no longer cared about the Senate.[v]

The second incident occurred in 44 BC. 1 day in January, the tribunes Gaius Epidius Marullus and Lucius Caesetius Flavus discovered a diadem on the head of the statue of Caesar on the Rostra in the Roman Forum.[5] According to Suetonius, the tribunes ordered that the wreath be removed as it was a symbol of Jupiter and royalty.[seven] Nobody knew who had placed the diadem, just Caesar suspected that the tribunes had arranged for it to appear so that they could have the honour of removing it.[v] Matters escalated soon later on on the 26th, when Caesar was riding on horseback to Rome on the Appian Manner.[8] A few members of the crowd greeted him as male monarch ("male monarch"), to which Caesar replied, "I am not Male monarch, simply Caesar" ("Non sum Rex, sed Caesar").[9] This was wordplay; "Rex" was a family name as well every bit a Latin championship. Marullus and Flavus, the aforementioned tribunes, were non amused, and ordered the man who offset cried "King" arrested. In a afterwards senate meeting, Caesar accused the tribunes of attempting to create opposition to him, and had them removed from office and membership in the Senate.[8] The Roman plebs took their tribunes seriously equally the representatives of the mutual people; Caesar'due south actions against the tribunes put him on the incorrect side of public opinion.[ten]

The tertiary incident took place at the festival of the Lupercalia, on 15 Feb 44 BC. Mark Antony, who had been elected co-consul with Caesar, climbed onto the Rostra and placed a diadem on Caesar's head, proverb "The People requite this to you lot through me." While a few members of the oversupply applauded, most responded with silence. Caesar removed the diadem from his head; Antony once more placed it on him, only to go the same response from the crowd.[11] Finally, Caesar put it aside to use as a sacrifice to Jupiter Optimus Maximus.[vii] "Jupiter alone of the Romans is king," Caesar said, which received an enthusiastic response from the crowd.[11] At the time, many believed that Caesar'southward rejection of the diadem was a manner for him to see if there was enough support for him to become king, and despised him for it.[12]

According to Suetonius, Caesar'southward bump-off ultimately occurred primarily due to concerns that he wished to crown himself the king of Rome.[13] These concerns were exacerbated by the "3 final straws" of 45 and 44 BC. In just a few months, Caesar had disrespected the Senate, removed People's Tribunes, and toyed with monarchy. By February, the conspiracy that caused his assassination was being built-in.[12]

Conspiracy [edit]

The conspiracy to electrocute Julius Caesar began with a meeting betwixt Cassius Longinus and his brother-in-law Marcus Brutus[xiv] in the evening of 22 February 44 BC,[fifteen] when later on some give-and-take the ii agreed that something had to be done to forestall Caesar from becoming king of the Romans.[16] [ unreliable source? ]

The two men and then began to recruit others. While it took only one human being to murder some other, Brutus believed that for the bump-off of Caesar to be considered a legitimate removal of a tyrant, done for the sake of their country, information technology must include a large number of Rome'due south leading men.[17] They attempted to strike a rest: they aimed to recruit enough men to surround Caesar and fight his supporters, but not so many that they would risk being discovered. They preferred friends to acquaintances and recruited neither reckless youths nor feeble elders. In the end, the conspirators recruited senators almost the historic period of twoscore, as were they. The men assessed each potential recruit with innocent-sounding questions.[18] The ancient sources written report that in the cease, effectually threescore to 80 conspirators joined the plot, although the latter number may be a scribal fault.[19] [ unreliable source? ]

Notable conspirators included Pacuvius Labeo, who answered affirmatively on 2 March when Brutus asked him whether it was wise for a human being to put himself into danger if it meant overcoming evil or foolish men;[20] Decimus Brutus, who joined on 7 March afterwards being approached by Labeo and Cassius;[21] Gaius Trebonius,[22] Tillius Cimber, Minucius Basilus, and the brothers Casca (Publius and some other whose proper noun is unknown), all men from Caesar's ain ranks;[23] and Pontius Aquila, who had been personally humiliated by Caesar.[24] According to Nicolaus of Damascus, the conspirators included Caesar's soldiers, officers, and civilian assembly, and while some joined the conspiracy due to concerns over Caesar'southward authoritarianism, many had self-interested motives such as jealousy: feeling that Caesar had not rewarded them enough or that he had given as well much money towards Pompey's onetime supporters.[25] The conspirators did not meet openly simply instead secretly assembled at each other's homes and in modest groups in order to work out a plan.[26]

Commencement, the conspirators discussed the addition of two other men to the conspiracy. Cicero, the famous orator, was trusted by both Cassius and Brutus, and had made information technology no secret that he considered Caesar'south dominion oppressive. He also had slap-up popularity amid the common people and a large network of friends, which would help concenter others to join their cause.[16] Nonetheless, the conspirators considered Cicero too cautious; at that fourth dimension, Cicero was over sixty, and the conspirators thought he would be too likely to put condom over speed when planning the assassination.[27] Side by side, the conspirators considered Mark Antony, aged thirty-9 and one of Caesar's all-time generals.[28] The conspirators were like-minded to attempt to recruit him until Gaius Trebonius spoke. He revealed that he had personally approached Antony the summer before and asked him to bring together a different conspiracy to terminate Caesar'due south life, and Antony had turned him down. This rejection to the old conspiracy caused the conspirators to determine against recruiting Antony.[29]

Now, yet, a new thought took place. Antony was strong because of his familiarity with the soldiers, and powerful due to his consulship. If Antony was non to bring together them, then they must assassinate Antony as well, lest he interfere with the conspiracy.[29] Somewhen, this idea was expanded upon and separate the conspirators into two factions. The optimates, the "All-time Men" of Rome,[30] among the conspirators wanted to become dorsum to the mode things were before Caesar. This would entail killing both Caesar and all the men around him, including Antony, and reverting Caesar's reforms.[26] The former supporters of Caesar among the conspirators did not agree to this. They liked Caesar's reforms, and did non want a purge of Caesar'south supporters. Nevertheless, even they agreed to kill Antony.[31]

Brutus disagreed with both. He argued that killing Caesar, and doing nothing else, was the choice they should choose. The conspirators claimed to be interim based on the principles of police force and justice, he told them, and it would be unjust to kill Antony. While the assassination of Caesar would be viewed equally the killing of a tyrant, killing his supporters would exist seen only equally a politicized purge and the work of Pompey'south former supporters. By keeping Caesar's reforms intact, they would both keep the support of the Roman people, who Brutus believed opposed Caesar the king, not Caesar the reformer, and the back up of Caesar's soldiers and other supporters. His statement convinced the other conspirators. They began making plans for Caesar's assassination.[32]

The conspirators believed that how and where they assassinated Caesar would make a difference. An ambush in a secluded area would have a dissimilar bear upon on public opinion than an assassination in the middle of Rome. The conspirators came upwardly with multiple ideas for the bump-off. They considered an set on on Caesar while he was walking on the Via Sacra, the "Sacred Street". Some other idea was to wait to assail him during the elections for new consuls. The conspirators would wait for Caesar to begin crossing the bridge that all voters crossed every bit part of the ballot procedures,[33] so topple him over the runway and into the h2o. There would be conspirators waiting in the water for Caesar, with daggers fatigued. Another plan was to attack at a gladiatorial game, which had the benefit that nobody would be suspicious of armed men.[34]

Finally, somebody brought up the idea to assassinate Caesar at one of the senate meetings.[34] [ unreliable source? ] All other plans had one detractor: while Caesar had no official bodyguards, he asked his friends to protect him in public. Most of these friends were imposing and dangerous-looking and the conspirators were agape that they would interfere with the assassination. Here, this would not be an outcome, since only senators were allowed in the Senate Business firm.[35] Some too said that the murder of a tyrant in total view of the Senate would not be seen equally a political plot, merely as a noble act, done on behalf of their country.[36] The conspirators ultimately settled on this as the chosen programme. Caesar would be leaving the city on 18 March to embark on a war machine entrada confronting the Getae and the Parthians. The concluding senate meeting earlier that appointment was on the 15th, the Ides of March, and and then the conspirators chose this equally the day of the bump-off.[34]

In the days leading upwards to the Ides, Caesar was not completely oblivious to what was existence planned. According to the ancient historian Plutarch, a seer had warned Caesar that his life would be in danger no later than the Ides of March.[37] The Roman biographer Suetonius identifies this seer every bit a haruspex named Spurinna.[38] In addition, on 1 March, Caesar watched Cassius speaking with Brutus at the senate house and said to an adjutant, "What do you call back Cassius is up to? I don't similar him, he looks stake."[39]

Two days before the assassination, Cassius met with the conspirators and told them that, should anyone discover the plan, they were to turn their knives on themselves.[40]

Ides of March [edit]

On the Ides of March of 44 BC, conspirators and non-conspirators met at the Senate House of Pompey, located in the Theatre of Pompey, for the senate coming together. Usually, the senators would exist meeting at the Roman Forum, but Caesar was financing a reconstruction of the forum and then the senators met in other venues throughout Rome, this beingness one of them.[41] There were gladiatorial games underway at the Theatre, and Decimus Brutus, who owned a company of gladiators, stationed them in the Portico of Pompey, also located in the Theatre of Pompey.[42] The gladiators could exist useful to the conspirators: if a fight broke out to protect Caesar, the gladiators could intervene; if Caesar was killed but the conspirators became under assail, the gladiators could protect them; and since it was impossible to enter the Senate Business firm without going through the Portico, the gladiators could block entrance to both if necessary.[43]

The senators waited for Caesar'south arrival, but he did not come up. The reason for this is that early that morning, Calpurnia, Caesar'due south wife, was awoken from a nightmare. She had dreamt that she was belongings a murdered Caesar in her arms and mourning him. Other versions have Calpurnia dream that the front pediment of their firm had collapsed and that Caesar had died; nevertheless another shows Caesar's body streaming with blood.[44] Calpurnia had no doubt heard Spurinna's warnings of not bad peril to Caesar's life, which helps explain her visions. Effectually va.m., Calpurnia begged Caesar not to get to the senate meeting that day.[45] After some hesitation, Caesar acquiesced. Although not superstitious, he knew that Spurinna and Calpurnia were involved in Roman politics, and decided to be cautious. Caesar sent Mark Antony to dismiss the Senate.[46] When the conspirators heard of this dismissal, Decimus went to Caesar'south dwelling house to try to talk him into coming to the Senate coming together.[47] "What exercise yous say, Caesar?" Decimus said. "Will someone of your stature pay attention to a woman's dreams and the omens of foolish men?" Caesar eventually decided to go.[48]

Caesar was walking to the senate house when he defenseless sight of Spurinna. "Well, the Ides of March have come!" Caesar called out playfully. "Aye, the Ides have come up," said Spurinna, "but they are non withal gone."[49] [50] Mark Antony started to enter with Caesar, but was intercepted by one of the plotters (either Trebonius or Decimus Brutus) and detained exterior. He remained there until later on the bump-off, at which indicate he fled.

According to Plutarch, every bit Caesar took his seat, Lucius Tillius Cimber presented him with a petition to recall his exiled brother.[51] The other conspirators crowded round to offer their support. Both Plutarch and Suetonius say that Caesar waved him away, merely Cimber grabbed Caesar's shoulders and pulled down Caesar's toga. Caesar then cried to Cimber, "Why, this is violence!" ("Ista quidem vis est!").[52] At the aforementioned time, Casca produced his dagger and fabricated a glancing thrust at the dictator'south neck. Caesar turned around chop-chop and caught Casca by the arm. According to Plutarch, he said in Latin, "Casca, you villain, what are you doing?"[53] [54] Casca, frightened, shouted "Help, brother!" (Ancient Greek: ἀδελφέ, βοήθει, romanized: adelphe, boethei ). Inside moments, the entire group, including Brutus, were stabbing the dictator. Caesar attempted to get away, but, blinded past blood in his optics, he tripped and barbarous; the men continued stabbing him as he lay caught on the lower steps of the portico. Caesar was stabbed 23 times.[55] [56] Suetonius relates that a physician who performed an autopsy on Caesar established that only one wound (the second 1 to his chest that pierced his aorta) had been fatal. This autopsy report (the earliest known post-mortem report in history) describes that Caesar's expiry was mostly attributable to blood loss from his stab wounds.[57]

Caesar was killed at the base of the Curia of Pompey in the Theatre of Pompey.[58]

The dictator'due south concluding words are a contested discipline among scholars and historians. Suetonius himself says he said nothing,[52] nonetheless, he mentions that others take written that Caesar's last words were the Greek phrase " καὶ σύ, τέκνον; "[59] (transliterated as "Kai su, teknon?": "Y'all likewise, child?" in English).[60] Plutarch too reports that Caesar said zip, pulling his toga over his head when he saw Brutus among the conspirators.[61] [a] According to Plutarch, after the assassination, Brutus stepped forward as if to say something to his boyfriend senators not involved in the plot; they, even so, fled the building.[64] Brutus and his companions then marched through the city, announcing: "People of Rome, nosotros are once again free!" They were met with silence, every bit the citizens of Rome had locked themselves inside their houses as soon as the rumours of what had taken place began to spread. According to Suetonius, later the murder all the conspirators fled; Caesar's body lay untouched for some time afterwards, until finally iii common slaves put him on a litter and carried him home, with 1 arm hanging down.[65]

Portentous events [edit]

Virgil wrote in the Georgics that several unusual events took place preceding Caesar'south assassination.[66]

Who dare say the Sun is false? He and no other warns the states when dark uprising threaten, when treachery and hidden wars are gathering strength. He and no other was moved to pity Rome on the day that Caesar died, when he veiled his radiance in gloom and darkness, and a godless historic period feared everlasting night. Yet in this hour Globe besides and the plains of Ocean, ill-boding dogs and birds that spell mischief, sent signs which heralded disaster. How oft before our optics did Etna deluge the fields of the Cyclopes with a torrent from her burst furnaces, hurling thereon assurance of fire and molten rocks. Germany heard the noise of battle sweep across the sky and, even without precedent, the Alps rocked with earthquakes. A voice boomed through the silent groves for all to hear, a deafening voice, and phantoms of unearthly pallor were seen in the falling darkness. Horror across words, beasts uttered man speech; rivers stood still, the earth gaped upon; in the temples ivory images wept for grief, and chaplet of sweat covered statuary statues. King of waterways, the Po swept forests forth in the swirl of his frenzied current, carrying with him over the manifestly cattle and stalls akin. Nor in that same hr did sinister filaments stop to appear in ominous entrails or blood to menstruum from wells or our hillside towns to echo all night with the howl of wolves. Never brutal more lightning from a cloudless sky; never was comet's alarming glare so often seen.

Aftermath [edit]

A wax statue of Caesar was erected in the Forum displaying the 23 stab wounds.[67] A oversupply who had amassed in that location expressed their anger at the assassins by burning the Senate House.[68] Ii days afterward the bump-off, Marker Antony summoned the senate and managed to work out a compromise in which the assassins would non be punished for their acts, simply all of Caesar's appointments would remain valid. By doing this, Antony nigh likely hoped to avert big cracks in government forming as a result of Caesar's death. Simultaneously, Antony diminished the goals of the conspirators.[69] The issue unforeseen past the assassins was that Caesar's death precipitated the end of the Roman Republic.[70] The Roman lower classes, with whom Caesar was popular, became enraged that a small group of aristocrats had sacrificed Caesar. Antony capitalized on the grief of the Roman mob and threatened to unleash them on the Optimates, perhaps with the intent of taking control of Rome himself. But, to his surprise and chagrin, Caesar had named his grandnephew Gaius Octavius his sole heir, bequeathing him the immensely strong Caesar name equally well as making him one of the wealthiest citizens in the Commonwealth.[71] Upon hearing of his adoptive father's death, Octavius abased his studies in Apollonia and sailed beyond the Adriatic Body of water to Brundisium.[69] Octavius became Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus or Octavian, the son of the great Caesar, and consequently also inherited the loyalty of much of the Roman populace. Octavian, anile but 18 at the fourth dimension of Caesar'south death, proved to have considerable political skills, and while Antony dealt with Decimus Brutus in the first round of the new civil wars, Octavian consolidated his tenuous position. Antony did not initially consider Octavius a true political threat due to his young historic period and inexperience, simply Octavius chop-chop gained the support and admiration of Caesar's friends and supporters.[69]

To combat Brutus and Cassius, who were massing an enormous army in Greece, Antony needed soldiers, the money from Caesar's war chests, and the legitimacy that Caesar'due south proper name would provide for whatsoever activeness he took against them. With passage of the Lex Titia on 27 Nov 43 BC,[72] the Second Triumvirate was officially formed, composed of Antony, Octavian, and Caesar'south Master of the Horse Lepidus.[73] It formally deified Caesar equally Divus Iulius in 42 BC, and Caesar Octavian henceforth became Divi filius ("Son of the Divine").[74] Seeing that Caesar's charity had resulted in his murder, the Second Triumvirate brought back proscription, abandoned since Sulla.[75] It engaged in the legally sanctioned murder of a large number of its opponents in order to fund its xl-five legions in the 2nd civil war against Brutus and Cassius.[76] Antony and Octavian defeated them at Philippi.[77]

The 2d Triumvirate was ultimately unstable and could not withstand internal jealousies and ambitions. Antony detested Octavian and spent most of his fourth dimension in the Due east, while Lepidus favoured Antony but felt himself obscured by both his colleagues. Post-obit the Sicilian revolt, led by Sextus Pompey, a dispute betwixt Lepidus and Octavian regarding the allocation of lands broke out. Octavian accused Lepidus of usurping power in Sicily and of attempted rebellion and, in 36 BC, Lepidus was forced into exile in Circeii and stripped of all his offices except that of Pontifex Maximus. His former provinces were awarded to Octavian. Antony, meanwhile, married Caesar'due south lover, Cleopatra, intending to use the fabulously wealthy Arab republic of egypt as a base to dominate Rome. A third civil state of war subsequently bankrupt out between Octavian on one paw and Antony and Cleopatra on the other. This final ceremonious state of war culminated in the latter'southward defeat at Actium in 31 BC; Octavian'due south forces would and then chase Antony and Cleopatra to Alexandria, where they would both commit suicide in xxx BC. With the complete defeat of Antony and the marginalisation of Lepidus, Octavian, having been restyled "Augustus", a name that raised him to the status of a deity, in 27 BC, remained as the sole master of the Roman world and proceeded to establish the Principate as the first Roman "Emperor".[78]

Listing of conspirators [edit]

Most of the conspirators' names are lost to history and only well-nigh 20 are known. Null is known about some of those whose names accept survived.[79] The known members are:

  • Marcus Junius Brutus, former Pompeian[eighty]
  • Gaius Cassius Longinus, old Pompeian[fourscore]
  • Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus, old Caesarian[81]
  • Gaius Trebonius, old Caesarian[81]
  • Lucius Tillius Cimber, sometime Caesarian,[81] the one responsible for setting the phase for the set on
  • Publius Servilius Casca Longus, former Caesarian,[81] the one responsible for the first stab
  • Servius Sulpicius Galba, onetime Caesarian[81]
  • Servilius Casca, quondam Caesarian,[81] brother of Publius Casca
  • Pontius Aquila, one-time Pompeian[eighty]
  • Quintus Ligarius, former Pompeian[80]
  • Lucius Minucius Basilus, one-time Caesarian[81]
  • Gaius Cassius Parmensis[82]
  • Caecilius, former Pompeian[80]
  • Bucilianus, one-time Pompeian, blood brother of Caecilius[fourscore]
  • Rubrius Ruga, quondam Pompeian[eighty]
  • Marcus Spurius, former Pompeian[80]
  • Publius Sextius Naso, former Pompeian[fourscore]
  • Petronius[82]
  • Constantine Spyropoulos, old Pompeian[80]
  • Publius Turullius[82]
  • Pacuvius Labeo[82]

Marcus Tullius Cicero was non a member of the conspiracy and was surprised by it. He subsequently wrote to the conspirator Trebonius that he wished he had been "invited to that superb banquet" and believed that the conspirators should likewise have killed Mark Antony.[83]

Gallery [edit]

See also [edit]

  • Acta Caesaris
  • Death of Alexander the Great
  • Death of Cleopatra
  • Julius Caesar, a play by William Shakespeare
  • The Ides of March, a novel by Thornton Wilder
  • The Throne of Caesar, a novel by Steven Saylor
  • Amanita caesarea

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ The version best known in the English-speaking world is the Latin phrase "Et tu, Brute?" ("Y'all too, Brutus?");[62] [63] this derives from William Shakespeare'south Julius Caesar (1599), where it really forms the first half of a macaronic line: "Et tu, Brute? Then fall, Caesar."

References [edit]

  1. ^ Michael Crawford, Roman Republican Coinage, Cambridge University Printing, 1974, p. 518.
  2. ^ Andrews, Evan. "six Ceremonious Wars that Transformed Ancient Rome". HISTORY . Retrieved 28 May 2020.
  3. ^ a b Strauss 2015, p. 58.
  4. ^ "Cassius Dio – Book 44".
  5. ^ a b c d Strauss 2015, p. 59.
  6. ^ Suetonius, Julius 78
  7. ^ a b Plutarch, Caesar 61
  8. ^ a b Strauss 2015, p. 60.
  9. ^ Suetonius, Julius 79.2
  10. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 61.
  11. ^ a b Strauss 2015, p. 62.
  12. ^ a b Strauss 2015, p. 63.
  13. ^ Suetonius, Life of Julius Caesar xxxi
  14. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 67.
  15. ^ Dando-Collins 2010, p. 24.
  16. ^ a b Dando-Collins 2010, p. 26.
  17. ^ Dando-Collins 2010, p. 42.
  18. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 87–88.
  19. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 93.
  20. ^ Dando-Collins 2010, p. 42–43.
  21. ^ Dando-Collins 2010, p. 46.
  22. ^ Dando-Collins 2010, p. 48–49.
  23. ^ Dando-Collins 2010, p. 71.
  24. ^ Dando-Collins 2010, p. 43.
  25. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 88.
  26. ^ a b Strauss 2015, p. 97.
  27. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 95.
  28. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 15.
  29. ^ a b Strauss 2015, p. 96.
  30. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 17.
  31. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 97-98.
  32. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 98.
  33. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 99.
  34. ^ a b c Parenti 2004, p. 169.
  35. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 104.
  36. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 115.
  37. ^ Plutarch, Parallel Lives, Caesar 63
  38. ^ Suetonius, Divus Julius 81.
  39. ^ Dando-Collins 2010, p. 34.
  40. ^ Plutarch, Caesar
  41. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 114.
  42. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 116.
  43. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 118.
  44. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 107.
  45. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 109.
  46. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 111.
  47. ^ Strauss 2015, pp. 120–121.
  48. ^ Strauss 2015, p. 122.
  49. ^ Plutarch. Plutarch'south Lives. Translated by Bernadotte Perrin. London: W. Heinemann, New York: Macmillan, 1914–1926.
  50. ^ Butler, M. Cary, ed., C. Suetoni Tranquilli, Divus Iulius [The Life of Julius Caesar], Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1927, Reissued with new introduction, bibliography, and additional notes by K. B. Townsend, Bristol: Bristol Classical Press, 1982.
  51. ^ Plutarch – Life of Brutus. The brother was Publius Cimber.
  52. ^ a b "Internet History Sourcebooks".
  53. ^ Henderson, Jeffrey. "Caesar: Chapter LXVII". Loeb Classical Library (in Ancient Greek). Archived from the original on 30 Jan 2022. Retrieved thirty January 2022. ὁ μεν πληγείς, Ῥωμαιστί· 'Μιαρώτατε Κάσκα, τί ποιεῖς;'
  54. ^ "Plutarch • Life of Caesar" [The Parallel Lives – Life of Caesar]. p. 597. Retrieved thirty January 2022. {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-condition (link)
  55. ^ Cohen, J. (11 October 2012). Julius Caesar'south Stabbing Site Identified. Retrieved from
  56. ^ Woolf Greg (2006), Et Tu Brute? – The Murder of Caesar and Political Assassination, 199 pages – ISBN i-86197-741-7
  57. ^ Suetonius, Julius, c. 82.
  58. ^ "Spot Where Julius Caesar Was Stabbed Discovered". Live Science . Retrieved xix February 2017.
  59. ^ Suetonius, Julius 82.2
  60. ^ Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, translated by Robert Graves, Penguin Classics, p.39, 1957.
  61. ^ Plutarch, Caesar 66.nine
  62. ^ Stone, Jon R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations . London: Routledge. p. 250. ISBN0-415-96909-3.
  63. ^ Morwood, James (1994). The Pocket Oxford Latin Lexicon (Latin-English language) . Oxford, England: Oxford University Printing. ISBN0-19-860283-9.
  64. ^ Plutarch, Caesar, 67
  65. ^ "The Lives of the Twelve Caesars", past C. Suetonius Tranquillus
  66. ^ "VIRGIL, GEORGICS BOOKS i–two – Theoi Classical Texts Library".
  67. ^ Appian Bellum Civile 2.147,*.html recovered 12-23-14
  68. ^ MacMullen, Ramsay (1975). Enemies of the Roman Order. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Printing. p. 17. ISBN9780674864948.
  69. ^ a b c Boatwright, Susan (2012). The Romans: From Village to Empire. New York: Oxford University Printing. p. 260. ISBN978-0-19-973057-5.
  70. ^ Florus, Epitome 2.7.1
  71. ^ Suetonius, Julius 83.two
  72. ^ Osgood, Josiah (2006). Caesar's Legacy: Ceremonious War and the Emergence of the Roman Empire . Cambridge University Printing. p. 60.
  73. ^ Suetonius, Augustus xiii.1; Florus, Epitome two.6
  74. ^ Warrior, Valerie M. (2006). Roman Religion. Cambridge Academy Printing. p. 110. ISBN0-521-82511-3.
  75. ^ Florus, Epitome 2.6.iii
  76. ^ Zoch, Paul A. (200). Ancient Rome: An Introductory History. Academy of Oklahoma Printing. pp. 217–218. ISBN0-8061-3287-6.
  77. ^ Florus, Epitome 2.vii.11–xiv; Appian, The Civil Wars 5.iii
  78. ^ Florus, Image two.34.66
  79. ^ Epstein, David F. (1987). "Caesar's Personal Enemies on the Ides of March". Latomus. 46 (3): 566–570. JSTOR 41540686.
  80. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Drumann 1906, pp. 632–640.
  81. ^ a b c d e f grand Drumann 1906, pp. 627–632.
  82. ^ a b c d Drumann 1906, pp. 640–642.
  83. ^ Ad Att. Xiv 12

Bibliography [edit]

  • J. A. Crook, Andrew Lintott, Elizabeth Rawson (editors), The Cambridge Ancient History', Volume Nine, The Final Age of the Roman Republic, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
  • Balsdon, J.P.5.D. (1958). "The Ides of March". Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte. 7 (one): lxxx–94. JSTOR 4434559.
  • Drumann, W. (1906). P. Groebe (ed.). Geschichte Roms in seinem Uebergange von der republikanischen zur monarchischen Verfassung, oder: Pompeius, Caesar, Cicero und ihre Zeitgenossen (in German). Vol. 3 (2nd ed.). Leipzig: Berlin, Gebr£uder Borntraeger.
  • Epstein, David F. (1987). "Caesar'southward Personal Enemies on the Ides of March". Latomus. 46 (3): 566–570. ISSN 0023-8856. JSTOR 41540686.
  • Horsfall, Nicholas (1974). "The Ides of March: Some New Problems". Greece & Rome. 21 (two): 191–199. doi:ten.1017/S0017383500022397. ISSN 0017-3835.
  • Parenti, Michael (2004). The assassination of Julius Caesar : a people's history of Ancient Rome . New Press. ISBN1-56584-942-6. OCLC 56643456.
  • Smith, R.Due east. (1957). "The Conspiracy and the Conspirators". Greece & Rome. 4 (1): 58–70. doi:10.1017/S0017383500015734. ISSN 0017-3835.
  • Strauss, Barry S. (2015). The death of Caesar : the story of historys nearly famous assassination. ISBN978-1-4516-6881-0. OCLC 913303337.
  • Yavetz, Zvi (1974). "Existimatio, Fama, and the Ides of March". Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. 78: 35–65. doi:10.2307/311200. JSTOR 311200.
  • Dando-Collins, Stephen (2010). The Ides: Caesar's Murder and the War for Rome. Wiley. ISBN978-0470425237.

External links [edit]

  • Account of the assassination from the historian Appian. Department 114 contains a list of conspirators.
  • Suetonius, Life of Julius Caesar, includes an account of the plot
  • The Assassination of Julius Caesar (The Ides of March, 44 B.C.E.) – video by YouTube aqueduct Historia Civilis


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